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Banana Leaves

What Does Love Look Like In A Pandemic?

We are not cancelling church. We are moving it.

For the rest of March we will be moving our Sunday church services online. Rather than coming to our physical address, 

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What Does Love Look Like in a Pandemic?

Now that the World Health Organization has declared the COVID-19 coronavirus a pandemic, and the governor has asked us to suspend large gatherings for the next few weeks, the question we have been asking ourselves is “What does love look like in a pandemic?”.


1. Love looks like prevention.

We told you last week about measures we have been taking at Mountain View to prevent the spread of disease in general. There is great information about how to do that on government websites that is much better than following news outlets (See links below). Loving your neighbor means using good health practices and sharing good information.


2. Love looks like prioritizing the most vulnerable.

It’s not about fear of not getting, it’s about not spreading it. While the threat is still low in our area and the coronavirus may not actually hurt you or your kids if you get it, it could be life-threatening to the elderly or those with respiratory issues. Preventing the spread helps everyone, especially vulnerable populations. Jesus cares about the one lost sheep and he takes it personally how we treat the most vulnerable.


3. Love looks like personal sacrifice for the good of everyone.

Our actions now will make a difference in slowing the spread of the virus. By following the guidelines the government authorities have published regarding social distancing in public gatherings, we can make a difference. Jesus calls us to look out for the interests of others.


4. Love looks like reaching out and connecting with one another.

We may need to keep our distance physically, but we can still stay connected. Social media can spread fear but it can also spread faith, hope and love. Calling each other, checking in on one another, praying for one another and offering help to those who are sick are all things we can do as a church family. Use our church database, Facebook page and Instagram to stay connected. Talk to your small group about how you will meet and stay connected.


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